Can I Have Twice Egg Retrieval Operation in the Same Menstrual Cycle?

For women with poor ovarian function, only 1-2 mature eggs can be retrieved per cycle, and it takes several cycles to retrieve the required number of eggs, which is full of physical and mental suffering. Is it possible to have twice oocyte retrieval operation in the same menstrual cycle to get more eggs?
Author: Stork Fertility Center

In traditional egg retrieval surgery, eggs are retrieved only once per menstrual cycle. For women with poor ovarian function, only 1-2 mature eggs can be retrieved per cycle, and it takes several cycles to retrieve the required number of eggs, which is full of physical and mental suffering. Is it possible to have twice egg retrieval operation in the same menstrual cycle to get more eggs?

When a woman is born, she already has about one million eggs, and several eggs will be recruited every month during her menstrual period.

The female hormones in the body during the normal menstrual cycle can induce the maturation and ovulation of 1 to 2 eggs, while the rest of the eggs will shrink.

Enough hormones through injections or medication to allow more eggs to mature.

The maturation speed of each egg is different

On the day of the egg retrieval operation, the doctor will use vaginal ultrasound to assist with the egg retrieval needle to retrieve the mature eggs.

After the doctor's evaluation, through using more injections or medication to continue maturing the remaining eggs.

Perform the egg retrieval operation again, and retrieve the rest of the mature eggs.

We call it "second egg retrieval". Through this way, it can save more time and collect more eggs for women who have poor ovarian function.  For the second egg retrieval, Stork fertility center will only charge consumables’ fee so that can save a lot of money!

Eggs are precious, please don't give up any hopeful egg.

*This article only reflects the treatment status at the time of writing, and the actual situation should be discussed with the doctor.