International Patient Travel

Established in 2000, Stork Fertility Center is a leading center dedicated to providing patients with personal & precision IVF (PP-IVF) solution.

Our centers in Taipei and Hsinchu offer the most advanced techniques in IVF enhancing pregnancy rate to 80%, including IMSI, PGS, PGD and ERA. With Asia's largest egg bank, a database of 300 egg donors, we've achieved more than 10,000 successful cases with 90% of thawing survival rate.

Our holistic services and treatments are delivered by a team of approximately 300 experienced professionals. We strive to make all effort to ensure you a smooth fertility journey.

Our Team

  • One of the top 5 fertility centers in Taiwan.

  • Record of conception at the age of 47 through IVF

  • Record of 62-year-old woman conceived boy and girl twins in Asia.

  • Our egg bank and sperm bank enlists the largest number of Asian donors in Asia. 1 out of 2 egg recipients in Taiwan are originated from Stork Fertility Center. 

  • First in Asia to assist Hemophilia carrier couple for a healthy offspring by PGD.

  • Fully equipped with an in-house PGS lab since 2015, we have already examined over 9,000 embryos through our PGS-NGS platform.

  • Achieving 80% of successful rate with by innovative IVF 3.0+.

  • Invented "Implanted-Blastocyst Rescue" to raise live birth rate in 2022.

Patient Testimonial

For international clients, we provide comprehensive medical service and travel guidance:

  • Specially assigned IVF consultant

  • Agency service for visa application in certain area

  • Professional medical consultation

  • Personalized treatment plan design

  • Minimal times of travel for international clients

Required Documents:

  • Couple's photo ID and passport
  • Original notarized marriage certification

Please refer to the TECO where you had your marriage registration done, as different TECO may have different formalities.

Procedure Reference:

Online Consultation

  • Protocol introduction

  • Documents preparation

First Visit

  • 2-4th day of your menstrual cycle, stay around 15 days.

  • Complete documents

  • Examinations

  • Eggs retrieval surgery

Eggs Retrieval

  • Insemination and Blastocyst culture

  • Freezing Blastocyst

  • Take medication package for implantation


  • Blastocyst transfer

  • Bring medication package back

  • Pregnancy Follow-up



Choose your location:

For English service or clients from other countries, please refer to the following contact information:

Tel:+886-3-573-3355#1353/1536 (office hour: 09:00 am ~ 12:00 am, 2:00 pm ~ 5:00 pm)

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