Large, long-legged with graceful necks and stout bills, storks are known for their monogamy and faithfulness. Striking impressive silhouttes while soaring in flight, storks are prominent in mythology and popular culture.
Storks are believed to be harbringers of happiness or prosperity, and are widely regarded as fertility symbols of childbirth. Stories and nursery rhymes portray images of storks gently carrying pink-cheeked infants wrapped in a sling; delivering the babies to their parents.
Through scientific and technological advancements, we are now able to continue the fabled mission of the storks by delivering happiness in precious bundles and assisting couples in realizing their dreams of starting a family.
This is the reason we chose the name, “Stork Fertility Center,” and adapted the stork as our symbol of commitment to all our patients.
Infertility rates in Taiwan are constantly increasing. A few years ago, Assisted Reproductive Centers (ART) in Hsin-Chu county were scarce; thus, couples were forced to seek medical care in Taipei. Long commutes and expensive treatments were a part of the hardships endured by these couples. It was only in 1992 that Taiwan began to assertively adapt Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART) and Artifical Insemination(AI) treatments. However, despite the industry’s more receptive attitude to ART, there were still only about 15 clinics properly equipped with the technology to provide this kind of service.
Our clinic, Stork Fertility Center, was one of the pioneer facilities in Hsin-Chu county. Completing intensive trainings and studies in the field of artificial reproduction, our principal physician and founder, Dr. Lai Hsing Hua, was the one who established the Infertility Research and Study Center in local Tong Men Hospital. This was also the beginning of his dream to provide patients suffering from infertility in the area a more accessible but equally professionally-run specialized facility.
However, because ART was still relatively new to mainstream health care in Hsin-Chu, Dr. Lai encountered many obstacles to his plan. But, backed by plain guts, a strong medical background and unwavering determination, he successfully silenced the opposition and launched the Stork Fertility Center. After only a short period of six months and with the grace of God, a miracle happened – we delivered our very first IVF baby girl.
Our victory only served to further fuel our excitement and resolve to continuously upgrade our facility despite all odds. We refused to be defeated amidst the initial negativity and apathy to our cause. In fact, we can absolutely emphatize with the challenging situation of Edwards and Steptoe in 1978 when Louise Brown – the world’s first IVF baby was born.
Nowadays, ART and IVF techniques are still continually developing. From 1992 to the present - starting from Tong Men Hospital to Nan-Men Hospital to private practices like our Stork Fertility Center - simple equipment has vastly improved to cutting-edge facilities. First-generation IVF treatments have progressed to second-generation methods such as ICSI, AHa etc.
Today, with our highly trained staff, superior knowledge and up-to-date technology, Stork Fertility Center remains a leading contender in the arena of ART and IVF treatment. Throughout all our success, we stay faithful to our unswerving commitment to provide patients with comprehensive, compassionate and personalized medical care.

Stork Fertility Center is a constantly evolving. We pride ourselves in our ability to adapt to changing trends in medical care without sacrificing the quality of our services. We are staunchly dedicated to improving our equipment and upgrading our technological know-how, while staying committed our underlying mission to be a “helping hand” to all our patients.
Promising young doctors are initiated to our shared vision each year, ensuring an uninterrupted flow of new knowledge in improving our service systems to provide uncompromised medical care.
Our capacity to upgrade ourselves has ensured the steady increase of our pregnancy rate. We are very proud to report that we have reached a 50%+ success percentage and we are very confident that we can assist couples in their fight against infertility to achieve parenthood.
Throughout all these years, we sincerely believe “HEART” is the main ingredient in our formula for success. We pledge more than 100% effort in all our cases. Our commitment is the source of our strength and working within a HEART-centered premise, our clinic is now at par or has even exceeded many other globally-respected treatment facilities.
Holding firm to this philosophy, we are able overcome any difficulty. One example is of an older woman who could only produce a maximum of 2 oocyte each ovulation. She has previously undergone numerous treatments but results were always disappointing. Instead of giving-in though, we were determined to assist her conceive and become a mother. Another case in 1978 also showcases our tenacious resolve to help patients. Despite harvesting only 1 oocyte, conception was achieved. On the day we were able to announce the confirmed pregnancy, we all felt that we have transcended the “doctor-patient” relationship and have become one family.
With our winning combination of unshakable HEART and HOPE, anything is possible. Our track record of over 1000+ happy couples shows the effectiveness of our core values. It is our dream to continue helping more patients become parents for many more years to come.
When the first IVF baby was introduced to the world in 1978, Dr. Edwards and his group had neither any advanced nor extensive laboratory facilities. But despite their difficulties, they were able to establish the 20th century’s most outstanding medical breakthrough. Nowadays, with all the technological advancements at hand, the field of artificial reproduction is even more promising – especially if we take a HEART-centered approach in facing challenges.
When Stork Fertility Center was first established in 2000, we encountered patients who requested to visit our laboratories to better understand our treatments and procedures. In light of insufficient written data for the public at the time, we felt the need of publishing comprehensive information leaflets for distribution. However, it was very hard to implement our plan effectively due to busy clinic hours. Today, with the advent of the internet and the globalization of knowledge, it is much more convenient to provide accessible information dissemination via our website. This medium allows us to share and introduce fully our clinic and laboratory facilities to all our patients.
We, at the Stork Fertility Center, pride ourselves in our ability to continuously acquire and adapt the newest knowledge, technology and equipment available in order to increase our success rates. However, we understand that ultimately, it is still our people and the degree of service we provide that is the most important aspect of our success.
Successful implementation of IVF or In-Vitro Fertilization depends largely on the number of eggs retrieved. In turn, the number of eggs is directly related to increased chances of pregnancy. Thus, it follows that more eggs implanted equals a greater chance of conception, or put simply, four eggs implanted is better than three.
Our clients have all praised the soothing warm-wood interiors of our reproductive center, comparing its relaxing ambience to exclusive hotel. They claim that everyday stress and pressure seem to melt away once they step through our doors. Despite our clinic’s luxurious atmosphere, we at Stork Fertility Center, do not have any pretensions. We continue to uphold and exemplify our belief that it is the people and the quality of service that matters; always focusing on providing the best support to all our patients. In fact, providing clients with a reassuring and comfortable clinic is just one of the many details we consider in delivering exceptional medical care.
We would like to share a funny anecdote related to this point that happened about a year ago. One of our current clients hesitated to enter our clinic under the false impression that expensive interiors would be equivalent to exorbitant fees. Due to this misconception, she decided to consult with other fertility centers around the globe but was constantly disappointed with their services. So finally, gathering her courage, she returned to our clinic and was pleasantly surprised to find that our world-class medical care can be enjoyed without breaking the bank.
Stork Fertility Center is one of the pioneers in Hsin-Chu county in providing clients with an integrated medical experience - from outstanding location and facilities to compassionate high-quality services and professional staff support. In fact, we are very humbled and gratified that we serve as a model example to other facilities in the area.
At the core of our values, we believe that HEART is still the most important aspect of our approach to exemplary medical care. Instead of “working,” we focus on “nurturing.” It is this driving philosophy that continuously inspires us towards excellence.
Cost is a major consideration for many people. However, we at Stork Fertility Center, believe that providing clients with superior medical care is incomparable to any cost. Our degree of service provided ensures that patients can always expect maximum effort to delivering client satisfaction in the shortest time possible.