Does menstruation cramps mean ovulation? Does bleeding happen during the ovulation phase?

Menstruation cramps represent the end of the previous ovulation cycle and the beginning of the new ovulation cycle. However, do you know that menstruation cramps don't mean ovulation? Does bleeding happen during the ovulation phase?
Author: Dr. Tzu-Hsuan Chin, MD
Translator: Lydia

Menstruation cramps represent the end of the previous ovulation cycle and the beginning of the new ovulation cycle. To complete an usual menstruation cycle need to have small follicles. During the development of follicles, estrogen begins to raise and stimulate the thickness of endometrium. After ovulation, the mature egg will turn into corpus secrete progesterone to maintain the stability of the endometrium which is ready for embryo implantation. If there is no embryo implantation, the corpus will shrink leading to the drop of progesterone and the peeling off of the endometrium. The breakdown of endometrium which is so called menstruation cramps.

Thus, We can say regular ovulation will have a regular menstruation cycle, but conversely, menstruation cramps don’t represent the regular ovulation cycle.

Anovulatory menstruation

Some girls have one period every month, however no ovulation after further examination. This is because even with no follicles growth, there is still some estrogen leading to the thickness of the endometrium. However, no ovulation happened so there is no corpus. Without corpus secreting progesterone, endometrium can’t be stable. Collapse of endometrium turns to menstruation. This kind of bleeding will have abnormal menstrual flow(more or less than normal) or day(last longer or shorter than normal) or interval. PCOS(PolyCystic Ovary Syndrome), high PRL(Prolactin), and thyroid dysfunction are common reasons of anovulation

How to make sure ovulation “did” happen?

Menstruation cramps can tell whether ovulation is regular or not? However, it’s not accurate.

Some girls with irregular ovulation don’t feel abnormal menstruation. That’s because menstruation always comes as usual. They often find out when they face infertility problems. Thus, we can’t tell whether ovulation or not through menstruation. We need further examination, for example, check the evaluation of body temperature or use the ovulation test paper. Besides, ultrasound can directly determine not only follicles grow but also whether the corpus appears. These ways can predict the ovulate phase more accurately and increase the pregnancy rate.

Ovulatory Bleeding

Some girls will bleed during the ovulation phase. That’s because during this special phase estrogen will be unstable which causes a small amount of endometrium to peel off. This kind of bleeding is normal and is every short(one to two days) and little. The key point to diagnose ovulation bleeding is “rule out”. Rule out reasons for bleeding such as endometrial polyps, cervical polyps, abnormal menstruation caused by anovulation and endometrial or cervical lesion.

Abnormal menstruation cramps or bleeding between periods should find reasons by examination. 

#Prepared to be pregnant #Column of Dr.Chin

*This article only reflects the treatment status at the time of writing, and the actual situation should be discussed with the doctor.