The Reason Behind Repeated Implantation Failure

What is successful implantation? There are mainly 6 factors that are affecting the process of embryo(s) implantation.
Author: Stork Fertility Center

The Reason Behind Repeated Implantation Failure(RIF)

How do you define RIF? How can we achieve successful implantation? There are six main factors that are affecting the process of embryo(s) implantation. With just one of the six indexes being abnormal, the result will be altered. Let's see what are the factors and how to overcome those obstacles.

How to define RIF? 

Had been through two or more transfer surgeries with 1-2 good embryo(s) each and failed.

How can we achieve a successful transfer? 

Six factors affect embryo transfer, as long as one of those is abnormal, the result will change. Let's find out what are the six factors and how we can overcome them. 

(1) Embryos

Embryos with abnormal chromosomes are unable to embed or lead to miscarriage. But the structure of embryos can not reflect the chromosome status, therefore a PGT-A (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy) is highly recommended before transfer surgery.

(2) Uterus: implantation window 

A successful transfer must be done at the implantation window of the endometrium. According to our studies, 30% of patients have a displaced window of implantation. Undergoing ERA test allows us to determine the ideal time for a personalized embryo transfer.

(3) Uterus: abnormal uterus structure, abnormal endometrium 

The structure of the uterus is not suitable for implantation. Miscarriage may occur even if the embryo(s) is embedded. Surgery or medication is required to improve the environment of the uterus. 

(4)Fallopian tubes 

Obstruction or edema of the fallopian tubes causes fluid to flow into the uterus and affects implantation, which requires surgical treatment.

(5) Hormones 

For example, low estrogen and progesterone might cause poor embryonic development. Premature increase of progesterone will change the window of implantation. Hypothyroidism might cause implantation failure, miscarriage, or affect embryonic development. High prolactin might cause miscarriage. Above problems must be treated with medication or injections, and follow up  regularly.

(6) Autoimmunity

Will affect embryonic development, imbedding and attacking embryos. To solve the auto-immune problems, medications or injections(eg. Heparin, intravenous immune globulin), and track through blood tests. 

Find the reason behind the problem, and solve it with the right treatment. The goal of bringing a baby home is just ahead of us!

Special Outpatient clinic for Repeated Implantation Failure is available on Wednesday morning at Stork Fertility Center & Friday morning at Stork 11 Fertility Center - Taipei Branch. We will find the “right way” together! 

If you have any questions about the treatment, please join Stork LINE@ to ask.

*This article only reflects the treatment status at the time of writing, and the actual situation should be discussed with the doctor.