Hope I can bring you more strength through the Egg Donation program.

Even though I have been diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Failure, I still stay positive and optimistic to seek for the possibility of medical treatment everywhere, and fulfill with hope that the miracle could happen. However it did not make any change within these two years. My world and beliefs suddenly collapse at the moment …
Author: 客戶分享
Translator: Jade

“Baby, Who is your favorite person in the world?”“Mommy~”

My two years old son can barely understand what I am saying, and can speak more and more words. As he gradually grows up day by day, he knows how to act cute, expressing his love and dependence on our family gently and clearly. The growth of life is like a miracle, it is an honor if you can participate with this amazing process! At the time I was diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Failure seven years ago, my life was collapsed.

Waiting for a miracle, will I get a reward if I work hard?

My last period came three months after the last time. The amount of flow was extremely less than before and the color was dark brown. At that time, I was only 26. I didn’t realize this might be a serious problem. 

Six months later, I went to a Gynecology clinic to check my hormone, and the result showed that FSH level was higher than 130, “Premature Ovarian Failure” was shown on the medical certificate. The Gynecology specialist told me that my ovaries are atrophic, it is impossible to get pregnant naturally, only hormone medicine can help me to maintain the basic female physiological functions.

I have heard Chinese medical treatment might be a solution, so I decided to use Chinese medicine and do acupuncture for two years. I staring at those 3 inches high medical invoices in front of me, but I have never had a period in these two years, the FSH level was always higher than 100, the medical ultrasound result showed the diameter of both sides ovaries was less than 1 centimeter and did not have any single follicle in it, and the AMH test result was <0.06.

I don’t know why the Lord treated me so unfair. When I was a child, my parents always taught me to be honest, kind, and hard working. I always believe in “no pain no gain”, “good things will always happen to good people”. Even though I have been diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Failure, I still stay positive and optimistic to seek for the possibility of medical treatment everywhere, and fulfill with hope that the miracle could happen.

However it did not make any change within these two years. My world and beliefs suddenly collapse at the moment. I refuse to keep in touch with my friends, families, and their kids. I also can be crushed at once when I see someone post their child’s photo, video, or any other content on social media platforms.

A bright star jumped into the dark. Egg Donation Program in Taiwan.

At the time that I felt disappointed and hopeless, a friend I knew in the hospital told me there is a Stork Fertility Center in Taiwan that might solve my problem with the Egg Donation Program. I have been suggested to use the Egg Donation Program before and was stopped by concerns about  the uncertain source, bad quality, treatment and operation safety, medical laws, gene problems,and genetic diseases,etc. However, those considerations disappeared after the patiently explanation by a consultant from Stork Fertility Center in Taiwan.

At the end of the year, my husband and I went to Taiwan for the first time.  I was very nervous when I was on the way to Stork Fertility Center, and I felt ashamed to have eye contact with the taxi driver. But after I walked in the center, I was attracted by the clean, bright, comfortable environment. The consultant gently and gracefully led me to fill in the documents, do the blood testing, arrange the Hysteroscopy and consulted with the doctor. I completed all the needed tests in the morning, plus they also provided a delicious big launch at their cafe’. All the services I had experienced let me feel warm and safe, my first visit ended smoothly and happily.

The consultant contacted me sooner after I went back to China. They told me that I was paired successfully with the same blood type donor, though it can not be disclosed about the donor’s picture and specific information, but the consultant told me that the donor and I had similar temperament. As the wonderful first experience at Stork Fertility Center, I agreed with the pairing result. In March of next year, I received an update message, the donor had successfully retrieved 13 eggs and groomed 8 embryos with BB level.

At the same time, I started conditioning my body with hormone medicine, daily care, and tried everything that can help to improve my condition. Of course I may have things that are confusing and certain, but the doctor and consultant in Stork Fertility Center always answered my questions patiently, and directly made the right decision for me.

Meet at the right moment. The first met with an embryo baby.

My husband and I went to Hsinchu for the second time. After we arrived in Taiwan, we received a  phone call from Stork Fertility Center to remind me of the notification the day before the implant surgery. 

Finally, it was the big day. They showed me the picture of the unfreezed embryo after I arrived at the fertility center, and told me the condition of the embryo is wonderful. Then, they took me to do the ultrasound and arranged me to a quiet, comfortable personal room. In that room, I laid on the cloudy bed with the soft light and light music around me, waiting for the implantation. A few minutes later, a nurse came in with a cart cover with a clear covering. “The embryo is in the cart, that is my baby!” I shouted in my mind and felt excited and worried. 

The implantation ended successfully with encouragement with a smile on the face of the doctor. When I was resting on the bed, the nurse gave me the ultrasound picture of the uterus, and the picture of the embryo and told me that this is my little baby.

In the following days, I tried to lay down carefully for most of the time and took medicine and injections on time. Sometimes, I will sit up to do some work to divert the attention. And I went back to China after I took a rest for four days in Hsinchu.

About 10 days after the implantation, I thought it was time to disclose the result. When I saw the second line slowly appear on the pregnancy tester, I cried and laughed for a long time. Before, I thought I would never have a chance to be a mother, and didn’t expect that I might get pregnant someday. It was good for my pregnancy. I took the medicine until I was 12 weeks pregnant and went back to work. Also the check-ups were all great. I was the same as other pregnant women.

In the end, you will definitely get a reward in a different way.

A year later, my little boy was born healthy, strong, handsome and smiley. At first I cried happily every time I saw him, I felt so thankful and respectful for life. Thanks to my baby for being my kids and giving me a chance to become a mother. From now on, I have a responsibility on my shoulder, and have a thing to care about in my life. He is the best child in the world, and also is my favorite person in life. I will pray and bless him a thousand and thousand times.

The experiences of the past 7 years made me learn a lot, and I strongly believe in “No Pain, No Gain”. Perhaps the reward is not what we have expected, but life will give you the feedback in a different way. When we are at the bottom of valle, what has supported us is our faith. When we are confused and losing direction, there might be a new path behind you.

It was really a difficult time in the past 5 years of pregnancy preparation, but luckily I got the support and caring from my parents, husband, company, and also the friends who had the same situation with me. Those are unexpected and become the biggest and strongest support. Of course I have to thank the kindly donor, responsible doctor and medical crew, they are the protectors of a newborn angel.

I might have something difficult or things to regret in the future, but once I had those stories and my angel baby accompanied me, I have no things to fear. I shall not live in vain.

P.S. When I first went to Stork Fertility Center, I received a magazine-iVie, which was published by Stork Fertility Center. The stories of those women who had the same condition make me feel inspired and encourage me alot. Therefore I also want to share my story to let others be inspired with my encouragement.

#Egg Bank #Premature Ovarian Failure #IVF Baby #IVF #Egg Donation Program #iCryo Bank #IVF Overseas #Sharing

*This article only reflects the treatment status at the time of writing, and the actual situation should be discussed with the doctor.

*This article only reflects the treatment status at the time of writing, and the actual situation should be discussed with the doctor.


  1. Since I was working as a consultant, I have collected my own client pool which is filled with memories and thanks. There is a hand writing card from you and I can almost remember the whole sentences on it. I still can remember your smile and big hug on the day we first met, not in Stork Fertility Center but in Beijing. Most of the time I am staying at the office in the south of Taiwan, so I barely can not meet the client at Hsinchu. However, I had an opportunity to participate in our first overseas seminar in Beijing. You told me happily that you will meet me at the seminar. That is how we met and started the journey.
  2. What if Premature Ovarian Failure occurs on a woman who is under 30? Client found out herself had an unstable period at 26, but did not know it was an alert of infertility. Even when facing the bad result of the AMH test, she still stays happy, positive,filled with hope, and believes there will come a miracle.
    Soon, two years had passed, and nothing had been changed. The ovaries have atrophied, and the uterus is going to atrophied either, getting pregnant becomes an impossible mission. In this kind of  situation, most people might be frustrated and give up, but some people will rather try to use the Egg Donation program to make their dream come true.
  3. We have a strict law to manage the donation of eggs and sperm in Taiwan. Many clients from overseas come to Taiwan to accept the Egg Donation program. In Stork Fertility Center, we own the biggest Egg Tank in Taiwan so that clients do not need to wait for a long donor pairing time for the treatment.
    “Sooner” “Happier”, is the theoretical guideline of our center. It means, we will let every couple who walk in can bring a strong and healthy baby sooner and happier, to reduce the endless waiting time.
  4. A story can be inspiring and change someone’s mind, even complete a family. This client was inspired by the stories which were written by other clients, therefore she hopes her story will encourage more people who need to accept the same treatment, and to bring more love.
  5. Client’s lucky number in Stork Fertility Center:

Mature Oocyte








1 (Day5 4BB)

Live Birth