The Unique In The Eyes, The Courage of An Autoimmune Mommy

She is the “courageous mommy” Joyce Chao. She is not afraid of letting others know she failed once in an IVF-program. She is even willing to share the happiness of her pregnancy. Even through the darkest day, she hasn’t given up in encouraging others to pray for a child. Congratulations to Joyce! Happiness is around the corner, I am honored to have accompanied her through this bizarre journey, which is indescribably happy!
Author: Dr. Hsing-Hua Lai, MD

Why is it so hard for some people to pray for a child? Is it an issue of mentality or preferences?

We first met at the beginning of 2020, when she just turned 40 years old. It was still an era that doesn’t require any mask on. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to describe her as a “beautiful young girl”. What’s more exaggerated is that the AMH value, as known as the ova inventory index, is much higher than the average of 35-year-old women. After collecting 13 ova in one egg retrieval, I got only one thought in my mind, “a piece of cake”.

However, only when you tried you would know the depth of the water. With one failure in another center at this age, we definitely need to serve our signature dish: IVF 3 PLUS! The embryos first undergo PGT-A/PGS test to identify whether the chromosomes are normally divided. ERA is also suggested to find out the windows of implantation. Simply put, it is to implant the right embryo at the right time. How can it possibly fail?

However, after the frozen embryo transfer, one of the autoimmune index soared. The embryo is considered as an outsider invading the body. It was recognized by the maternal immune system, inducing rejection, which makes sense. But her performance is kind of different from others. Her autoimmune tests are all within normal range except for one which showed weak positive. Thus, we did not give any medications actively. As imagined, the implantation did not succeed and caused a loss of a precious embryo.

My confidence takes a great hit! Hidden version of autoimmune rejection is difficult to diagnose in advance, only with a sacrifice fly can we catch the big fish. We started over again after half a year. The “villain” is to deal with now that he has appeared. Other than the signature dish, pricy biological agents are also added. The result is incredibly uplifting!

After you are pregnant, you should follow the standardized procedure. Each biological agent injection course can protect the fetus for approximately 3 weeks. After the second tire, fetal heartbeat is detected as scheduled, and the growth and development are normal. In experience, it is very rare for an autoimmune mommy to come across any immuno-incidents after the first trimester, approximately 14 weeks of gestational age. The next encounter is usually the annual dinner, so-called graduation ceremony, or even the second try of giving birth. As usual, we celebrated for her on the day she received the graduation certificate.

Fetal arrest is a bolt from the blue, it was unexpected to happen in this lunar new year. Apart from the sadness that fetal arrest brings, the more important is to find out why?

“It is costly to fail, it is even more expensive without looking into the possible cause!”

Most of the repeated implantation failure or miscarriage clients do not know the true reason behind the incident. Maybe they are too sad to even “catch the murderer”, and keep using the same way next time, which surely leads to failure again and again. However, Joyce Chao is very different from others, her strong curiosity leads her to success, which also has a sense of “Stork 11” characteristics.

At the beginning of 2022, we fought again for the third implantation. We cannot collapse at the same place for a second time! Autoimmune mommy needs company in particular, so we arranged Angel, the most heartwarming manager of our “Heartful companion group” to accompany Joyce all the way. The companion group is not only case manager, but more like a meticulous “housekeeper”. Getting through the dangerous period of the first trimester, going on to the third trimester, even the low-key manager, Angel, and her team are looking forward to the happy ending!

Right! Instead of discussing “Why do people keep failing in getting pregnant?”, we should first explore how an autoimmune mommy, Joyce Chao, can get this lucky?

"She believed that everything happened for a reason, “changes” happen when you believe in it. Every failure brings a gift, she keeps learning from her mistake and keeps improving it. She also believes that there will be a happy ending!"

On the way to getting pregnant, you should clarify what is the purpose of getting pregnant? This is more vital compared to individual preferences, don’t be harsh on your money and precious time!

Most of the repeated implantation failure and miscarriage clinets are “autoimmune mommy”, through IVF 3 PLUS along with the use of biological agents, 80% of clients can “graduate” successfully. Usually after the first trimester, biological agents injection can be discontinued. Joyce is a rare case that kept injecting until the third trimester. Even Joyce can graduate as a rare case, I believe you can too!

She is the “courageous mommy” Joyce Chao. She is not afraid of letting others know she failed once in an IVF-program. She is even willing to share the happiness of her pregnancy. Even through the darkest day, she hasn’t given up in encouraging others to pray for a child. Congratulations to Joyce! Happiness is around the corner, I am honored to have accompanied her through this bizarre journey, which is indescribably joyful!


*This article only reflects the treatment status at the time of writing, and the actual situation should be discussed with the doctor.