The tracking of Pregnancy index, β-HCG in In Vitro Fertilization

You can test whether you are pregnant or not 14 days after transferring the embryo in IVF treatment. The blood test of the pregnant index, β-HCG, can represent the growth of the embryo more accurately. However, is the higher value of β-HCG the better?
Author: Stork Fertility Center
Translator: Lydia

You can test whether you are pregnant or not 14 days after transferring the embryo in IVF treatment. The blood test of the pregnant index, β-HCG, can represent the growth of the embryo more accurately. However, is the higher value of β-HCG the better?

You can test whether you are pregnant or not 14 days after transferring the embryo. The result can be known immediately by the urine β-HCG test, however, it’s not that accurate. Though you need to wait almost 2hrs to get the result of the blood β-HCG test, but β-HCG can track the development of the embryo more accurately.

β-HCG is synthesized and secreted from trophoblast tissue of the mother's placenta into maternal blood.

Generally speaking, β-HCG>5 shows that you are pregnant !

But is the β-HCG value higher the better? Let us look at some practical examples.

Lower β-HCG level does not mean more danger!

The high or low value of β-HCG is related to how many embryos are implanted. The more embryos implanted you get a higher value of β-HCG in the blood test.

In order to increase the pregnancy rate, sometimes doctors will transfer not only one embryo. However, not every embryo will implant, sometimes it will implant initially and shrink eventually on its own.

High level of β-HCG doesn't mean twins, as this consequence, high or low level of β-HCG is neither good or bad.

β-HCG level doubles every two days shows the embryo develops well.

Follow doctor's instructions to track β-HCG(by bloody test) two days later, if it does not double, it may be an ectopic pregnancy or a biochemical abortion*.

*biochemical abortion:early miscarry within 5weeks

Bleeding after embryo transfer doesn't equal menstruation. Don't stop medication by yourself, you should go back to the clinic for examination if you find any bleeding.

Embryo will grow every week inside the maternal uterus. You can see gestational sac around 5th week, yolk sac before 6th week, and fetus around 6th week. Fetal heartbeat will present before 8th week.

Pregnant regular check-ups afterwards should be done on time so that babies well come safely


Reference from the blog of Dr.Emerson

*This article only reflects the treatment status at the time of writing, and the actual situation should be discussed with the doctor.